Friday, March 5, 2010

Breaking Even With Multi-Level-Marketing Burn Out...A Gift For You

Who isn’t experiencing Internet Marketing Burn Out these days? Most people are. How many thousands of emails do you think you’ll get this year promoting the next best thing since internet sliced bread? Well, if you’re tired of just waisting money on every new money-making system under the sun, and are ready to build a real business, you should definitely consider selling physical products. One Company in particular that I've stumbled upon has helped individuals just like your-self achieve thousands of dollars under this formula approach (SFI) Now, when I post my usual blog posting, I do not advertise or promote businesses or business adventures. But, I felt obligated to at least mention the extraordinary opportunity to my followers and readers who have in time past expressed their desire to earn a no-hassle and residual income. Thus, this post.

In early 2008  Success Central Enterprises LLC  started a little site ("SUCCESS CENTRAL") selling physical products in a very small niche. By October of that year we were doing $20,000 per month in sales. Last year while many of my Internet Marketing Friends were feeling the effects of the the recession, we were able to Dramatically Grow our business to $666,249.31 in sales for 2009.

Now this is a very small niche site so quite frankly, you might be surprised by those results and the fact that our sales continue to increase in 2010. These niche markets are prime for the taking and growing a real internet business that has nothing to do with internet marketing.

If it’s done right, you’ll rarely see an unhappy or disgruntled customer. They will thank and praise you every time they buy from you. Plus I’m selling things that are really fun for me to market and sell. I know it’s not quite like the other internet businesses you see out there. It does take some work and effort. It’s not going to make you tens of thousands of dollars overnight. But for many people, it’s the kind of real solution they’ve been searching for.

You Asked And The Doctor Has Answered.

To Your Success

Dr. Lent C. Carr, II

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