Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If You Are To Succeed You Must Burn Your Ships

I'd like to take a moment and congratulate you (Success Central's Marketing Students) for your commitment to stick with the program up to this point. Today's Blog Post is dedicated to your unwavering dedication to achieve financial freedom.

It looks like you have "the right stuff"!

The fact is some people drop out when they see there is a little work involved in building an Internet business. I don't really know why that is... People are willing to work their butts off for the guaranteed pay (however small it is) of a regular job, but some aren't willing to work toward building a business of their own and achieving financial freedom.

But you are different and I applaud you for that.

I'm different too.

When I got online and decided that I was going to make my living from the Internet, I personally committed myself to doing whatever it takes. As I explained in my story on the Success Central Site sign up page: "I stayed up learning, working and drinking coffee until 5:00 in the morning month after month filled with the hope of making money online. There were days when I'd come home late from my job, start working on the Internet, and work the entire night without going to sleep — and then go back to work the next day."

That story is exactly true for me and I personally believe that it's this level of commitment that is necessary for anyone who wants to break through and succeed on a high level with an Internet business - the Plug-In Profit Site or anything else for that matter.

Do you have that level of commitment?

In fact, it wasn't until I was in a "sink or swim" situation until my Internet business really took off. As I talk about on the Plug-In Profit Site sales page mentioned in our previous post, I was in the fundraising business. I was the Executive Director of Fundraising, but the reality of the situation was that the Non-Profit Organization I worked for owned me.

I was the "Chief  Fundraising Director" which basically means I did everything from prepare speeches for fundraising events, to working grassroot efforts, to securing corporate donor participation and so on... I could never take a vacation because if I did, the Non-Profit Organization would have gone out of business. It couldn't operate without me and I couldn't operate without it.

The Executive Director/Fundraising position was the thing that was keeping myself and my family afloat financially, but I was no better off than someone tied down to an overworked blue collar job. I felt trapped, but I was determined to find a way out. That's when I read Robert Allen's "Multiple Streams of Income" book and decided that I was going to find a way to build a business online.

So I started working part time (in every spare minute) on figuring out how to make money with affiliate programs. Over time, I started figuring things out and making some money through many of the methods outlined in previous paragraphs of this post, but it wasn't until my boss for my Company told me that they weren't going to renew my employment contract that I really broke through the next level.

I was losing my plush Fundraising Executive position and I had a major life choice to make. I was earning a few thousand dollars a month from the Internet, but it wasn't enough to replace my Executive income or provide for my family. I had to decide between moving my career services to a new location, getting a job "for the man" or sitting at home and completely figuring out how to make this business work so that it could be the sole financial provider for my family.

Obviously, I chose the latter. It was actually an easy decision. I was following my one true passion at the time. My dream of being able to control my financial destiny through a little box (laptop) that I could carry with me anywhere in the world was too exciting to pass up. I had an opportunity to go full force for my dream and I grabbed it.

In those 30 days after being laid off on my Executive Director job, it was either make this business work and go broke trying.

This is the sink or swim situation I was in and that I needed to make the necessary psychological shifts to succeed.

In those first 30 days of going full-time online, I multiplied my online income 5 times. In the 90 days that followed, I doubled that. In the years since, my income as continued to grow exponentially.

But it's this sink or swim mentality that defines my success and the success of everyone who make it in this business.

You must eliminate the option of failure.

There is a famous story of Hernando Cortes that goes something like this:

"Hernando Cortes had a plan, he wanted to lead an expedition into Mexico to obtain its many treasures. He presented his plan to the Spanish governor, who was so excited that he gave him eleven ships and seven hundred men. Cortes did not tell the men or the governor the complete plan. After months of travel the eleven ships landed in Veracruz. Cortes had the men unload everything from all eleven ships. As they headed into their new adventure the men turned back and saw all eleven ships burning! Their reaction was to fight back, as surely an enemy had initiated such an attack. Cortes halted the men, as this was in his plan, he had ordered the ships to all be burned. Cortes did not know what he and his men would encounter in their expeditions. What he did know was that by "Burning the Ships" he had completely eliminated their option of going back. At the same time creating an intensely powerful motivation to succeed."

My friends, you must burn your ship(s) if you are going to succeed in this business.

What ship(s)? Most likely your current job...

I'm NOT saying you need to quit, but whatever it is that you are holding onto for security is keeping you mentally unprepared to pursue your Internet business with the FULL determination needed for you to break through to success.

INTERNALLY, you must find a way to "burn your ships of security" and start relying on your Internet business AS IF IT'S THE ONLY THING YOU'VE GOT.

Read that last line again. And again. And again...

THIS is the secret to success in this business or any other.

As soon as you make this internal shift, you will unlock forces inside you for growing and succeeding in your business that will surprise everyone - including yourself.

Likewise, if you cannot burn your ships of security, those same forces that exist inside you right now and which can set you free immediately will remain dormant and unable to carry you to the EXTRAORDINARY life that is possible.

This is something no marketing technique I can teach you in this post can do for you. It's something that must come from within you, and if it doesn't, no marketing technique I can teach you here will make a bit of difference.

Examine my words on this page and then examine yourself and your commitment to this business carefully.

Do you have what it takes? Are you as committed as you must be? Can you burn your current ships of security and are you willing to do whatever it takes to build new ones?

These are the central questions that must be answered by you and you alone which will determine your destiny in this business. Nothing is more important than this.

In reality, if you aren't willing to burn your internal ships of security, your success will be dramatically limited.

However, if you are absolutely committed to becoming successful, there is nothing ANYONE can do to stop you.

Success is purely a matter of commitment. If you are willing to keep going UNTIL you succeed, you WILL succeed.

It's that simple.

Your Partner In Success,

Dr. Lent C. Carr, II


Success Central Enterprises, LLC

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